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How to Write an Article for Publication Sample

 How to Write an Article for Publication Sample/Example

Fella, we’re here again. And, this time I am gonna tell you how to write an article for publication via a sample/example. 

You might be wondering, “Will you write a story again?”. 

And the fact is I won’t write a short story again. 

Let’s try philosophy today.

“Interesting, Mahar.”

(Learn content writing for free via my Amazon Kindle Unlimited ebooks)

I know philosophy doesn’t seem as much exciting as throwing that bowling ball within a sports bar. BUT I’ll try my best not to put TOO much stress on your innocent brain. I don’t want to see you shouting. Especially shouting at me. Hahaha.

Now, let’s talk about a philosophical topic, Love.

OK, okay. Let me clarify first. This isn’t about typical Hollywood love. 

This is about what true love is. As per my observation and experience.

Are you ready to know Writer Mahar’s version of love!

I feel love is one of the most beautiful feelings on this earth. And as per my observation & experience, love means cooperation. Love means support. Love means sacrifice. Love means forgiveness. Love means trust. 100 % trust.

True love:

In other words, if you really love someone, you’d support them. You’d cooperate with them. You’d offer sacrifices for them. You’d forgive them for their mistakes. And, you’d trust them. Complete trust. But you shouldn’t love anyone blindly. Yup, no blind trust. Your blind trust should be connected with your God only.

Love with others:

Do love your people. Your parents. Your siblings. Your grandparents. Your spouse. Your children. Your friends. Your country. Your religion. BUT NOT LIKE A BLIND PERSON.

Even your parents can be selfish and abusive. So, act smartly in this world. You should be emotionally strong not only physically or financially. Never forget that.


Express your love with others BUT with YOURSELF too. Earn money. Become independent financially. This is an expression of self-love. Then, help your family, friends, relatives, and other people whenever they need you financially as much as possible for you. This is an expression of your love for your God and humanity. Be unique. Respect your individuality. Don’t be a puppet of anyone. This is also an expression of self-love. Follow your true and reasonable passions in your personal as well as professional life. A person who cannot love themselves can't love anyone on this planet.

Also, if you want to know more about how to write for the web, you could get my free online writing guides from Amazon Kindle Unlimited.  

Final thoughts: 

Well, that’s all what I wanted to share with you regarding how to write an article for publication sample/example. If you want to share anything, leave your comment here. I’ll be happy to reply you as soon as possible. Until next time, stay alert to get further updates.

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