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How to Write an Ebook and Sell it on Amazon

How to Write an Ebook and Sell it on Amazon (2022)

You are not wrong. Yeah, wanting to become an author is not at all a wrong decision. In fact, this tells you you’re growing. Even for taking such a decision, “I wanna be a book author”, you need exponential courage, dear. So, you’ve taken that one step that is counted the toughest of all. NOW, you want to know how to write an ebook and sell it on Amazon. Great question, fellow. I’ll answer your query in detail here.

(Learn content writing for free via my Amazon Kindle Unlimited ebooks)

So, if I am not wrong, you desire to write an ebook based on your topic of expertise. Right! How should you write that book; that’s the question for you. Hmm, see the steps below. Create your work of art, and publish it on Amazon.

Step 1: Research your book topic:

Yup, thoroughly research the topic, which you’re gonna discuss in your ebook. Plus do keyword research for your topic beforehand. So, you could have an idea about its worth and competition on Amazon store and major search engines (e.g., Google, Yahoo, and Bing). You could use offline sources for completely searching your topic as well. Next, jot down all important points from these sources.  

Step 2: Create an article outline:

Then, create the outline for your article. Obviously, this would be a rough one in the beginning. When you keep on adding contents in your ebook, you need to update it then.   

Step 3: Write the first draft:

Write the first draft of your ebook. Well, you have to write it without editing. Don’t write and edit at the same time. This breaks your writing flow, and you get tired soon while writing your content. That unnecessary editing habit is very harmful for your professional life. So, make sure to avoid it as much as possible.

Step 4: Edit your ebook:

You should edit your first draft and then proofread it after some time. When you write your ebook, don’t edit it at the same day whether it’s a short book or not. You should provide a one-day gap to yourself for a fully fresh mind before editing your draft.

Step 5: Design a cover for your ebook:

You should design a cover for your ebook via some online popular and relevant websites like Canva. You might create, edit and download your ebook cover from Canva. Then, you could add this cover in your ebook file.

Step 6: Publish your ebook on Amazon:

When you completely edit your ebook, you should publish it on Amazon after creating your Amazon author account. You could easily create an Amazon Kindle account for publishing your ebooks. 

Now, you must be wondering how to market that book which you’d publish on Amazon. A very good question. In today’s age, you can’t expect heavy sales or conversions without marketing. 

Well, follow the top famous ways below to market your future Amazon ebook. 

Way no. 1: 

You could market your ebook via the social media pages made for promoting your ebooks.

Way no. 2:

You could promote your ebook through Amazon Kindle ads.

Way no. 3

You have the option to market your books through your websites and blogs.

Way no. 4

You can bring sales for your ebooks via other ad networks as well like FB ads and Twitter Ads.

Way no. 5:

You might bring conversions for your ebooks via guestposting as well.

Way no. 6:

Lastly, you’d also bring sales for your ebooks via their reviews on book review sites.


So, that’s all what I wanted to share with you about how to write an ebook and sell it on Amazon. I hope you liked what I shared with you. And, if you want to learn how to be a credible SEO writer, get my free ebooks on Amazon Kindle Unlimited. Besides, if you want to share anything with me, comment below to let me know. I’ll answer asap. 

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