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How to Write a Review on Pizza in 6 Easy Steps

How to Write a Review on Pizza for Restaurants

On your mark. Get set. GO! Now, how easy this is to say and follow during a marathon. Easy to say for a referee. And, easy to follow for you. Easy ONLY IF you’re that marathon runner. But when you aren’t the runner, AND you’re a review writer, things aren’t that much simple. Anyway, don’t worry, dear. I am here to make your day. I’ll teach you how to write food review. In this article, I’ll teach you how to reliably write a review on pizza. So, are you ready! Now, let’s run together.

(Learn content writing for free via my Amazon Kindle Unlimited ebooks)

So, 6 steps are there for you to follow when you sit down to write a good pizza review. These steps are:

Do your research:

Yup, do your research, pal. Research the topic of your review article. Find interesting facts about the dish that you should add in your review. For instance, in our case, when YOU and I have to pen down a pizza review, we should note some facts and figures from the internet related to that item.

I’ll also share with you a sample pizza review in my next article.

Now, let’s come to the main point. Frankly speaking, you should review a pizza that you ate and was prepared by the restaurant you want to market. And, if you’re a student, you could also review a pizza that’s made by you or your buddy who’s more dear to you than I am, just kidding. Then, you could tell about the pizza’s history if that particular type has captivating historical notes. And, you might also tell why you chose that specific dish for your review. Besides, you should research the brand whose pizza you’re going to review. Coz you need to add its intro in your review. Now, let’s move to the next step.

Begin with a compelling intro:

You should write a compelling and engaging line to hook your audience. Usually, one-liners which arise curiosity are highly engaging for any type of audience. For example, if you write in the beginning, Don’t beat drums, your yearning won’t stop. Now, this looks captivating. Immediately a user would feel curious to know what yearning won’t stop. This sounds like a good hooking one-liner, right! What you should do next is write some lines to elaborate your hook in front of your reader. Like you should say about the yearning something like this: “Yeah, you shouldn’t wait to have crispy and crunchy bites of ABC pizza this Saturday.”. Now, the yearning is clear to the reader.

In a catchy intro, you could add a lot of intriguing Qs like the ones below.

Q. 1 When was the pizza cooked first?

Q. 2 To what nationality is the item native?

Q. 3 Why is this food item worth a try?

Q. 4 Is there any captivating history about the dish?

Q. 5 Why do you like that pizza?

To write a quality pizza review, you should put yourself in your reader’s shoes. Such Qs would help you produce a quality piece for your reader. And, add an interesting thesis statement to keep the ball rolling in your intro.

Compare multiple items/dishes:

Well, sometimes, this is better if you compare several pizzas with one another. Why? This gives a better outlook to your reader as to why they should choose your selected one over others online. You should give them a sneak peek of all compared pizzas to make them know why your choice matters. When you explain every dish, make sure you highlight the following points in your review:


You should tell your reader what your pizza feels like when they see it in front of them. Does the dish trigger their appetite or not! Does that particular pizza feel exciting by its look! And, what does it feel when touched by its buyer! Does it feel crispy, yummy, and elegant! All such questions are that you have to answer for your reader in your review.


Then, you have to discuss how the taste is of your pizza. Does that dish taste super delicious, crunchy, and spicy or not. The dish has enough meat or not. Is chicken used or fish or the used meat is beef or something else. Do describe all ingredients with full fun and grace. The taste part is the most exciting point for a reader. Like if you craft that piece precisely, you made a nice shot. Or, you got the bull’s eye. So, name all the flavours and spices to entice your reader. For example, tell them in an interesting way about the taste of ketchup, butter, salad, green veggies, and other sauces to make your pizza feel awesome.


Then, you should tell about the shape of the pizza. How well was that cooked when you got it! In how many slices was it cut into! Then, also tell them how well the pieces looked! Do they look alike! Or not equally cut! Tell them about the appearance of the ketchup, butter, salad, green veggies, and other stuff to make your pizza review work.

Use colourful adjectives:

What are you expected as a writer? A writer is expected to write readable and captivating content. So, you should put your focus on your content structure and its vocabulary. Ponder on the adjectives, which describe your pizza. You have to make sure you use some necessary words in your article. For example, do use adjectives in your review like delicious, splendid, juicy, tasty, and amazing. In other words, you should employ such adjectives that provide your reader with those feelings that they get when they eat a pizza.

You should check whether you’re using the right adjectives in your review or not. Don’t overdo this process to avoid overly long sentences. Most probably, you have to add only 2-3 adjectives in one sentence. Logically connect all the sentences and make smooth transitions. Perhaps, you need to add the table of ingredients and cooking process for your pizza if it’s a new type in the pizzas’ market

Add pros and cons:

Then, you should some advantages and disadvantages of your pizza in the review. Why? Coz the pros and cons of your pizza make your review greatly realistic and truly informative for your reader. So, never forget to add this section in your pizza review. You could add this section in the form of a table or in paras. For instance, you could tell that your particular pizza isn’t harmful for their health. No objectionable article is added in it to make the item feel tasty or attractive.

When you compare your pizza with other pizzas, you should highlight via pros and cons why your pizza is the best for them, while other pizzas aren’t.

Add a readable conclusion:

You should restate your thesis statement in the end and underline the value of your food review in a nutshell. Then, add a CTA for your reader if you’re writing for your website/blog. Also, don’t forget to ask your online reader their ideas about your piece. You might also provide them with info regarding your future post. For example, "My future post will be about XYZ pizza review.".

My final thoughts:

So, that’s all what I wanted to share with you regarding how to write a review on pizza. If you want to learn review writing skill from an educated and experienced SEO writer, you could get my review writing ebook for free on Amazon Kindle Unlimited. And, you could also buy the book for a few dollars on Amazon. Well, that’s all for today. If you want to share anything with me, leave your comment below. I’ll be happy to assist you, pal. We’ll meet in the next post. Until then, stay tuned to get more updates.

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