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How to Write Product Description for Amazon

How to Write Product Description for Amazon that Ranks Your Product High in SERPs

That’s in you. Yes, you already have the guts. The guts to rank your product high in search engine results pages (SERPs). Yup, you have the courage to show the world what you’re up to in ranking your products high on Amazon or anywhere else. You just have to follow some tips and tricks to greatly rank your product. So, without further ado, let’s dive in.

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First of all, don’t do anything while writing your product description which Amazon prohibited to do. For example, you’re gonna degrade your product if:

  • You don’t include only product-related information in your description.
  • You don’t write it briefly and precisely.
  • You don’t know whether your product matches its description or not.
  • You add quotes or testimonials of any kind in your description.
  • You add any promotional messages or promote other products in your description.

Now, I am gonna discuss the tips that you should follow to write exceptional product descriptions. These tips are:

1. Easy to read and 150+ worded content:

Yup, your product description should be easy to read for your prospective client. Then, your description should be more than 150 words. In this way, your prospective customer could understand what you’re offering via this product.

2. Benefits of the product:

When you’re selling anything like ebooks/print books on Amazon, what other and I also feel that you’re not selling the features of your products. You're selling the benefits of those features. So, sell your product by telling your customers the benefits of your product features.

For example, if I sell a facewash, I should tell my prospective client something like the one given below.

“Our ABC facewash has xyz ingredients that help make your skin soft, shiny, and smooth.” 

3. Optimization of the product description for Amazon algorithms:

If your product isn't ranked high in Amazon searches, it's not gonna get good ranks on other search engines as well. So, you should optimize your product description with relevant keywords on Amazon. In this way, your item could be ranked high in Amazon SERPs. For instance, you should add the main or targeted keyword at least 3-4 times in your product description generally. Besides, when you add the relevant keywords for your product in the keywords section, the chances of your product’s high ranking increase. 

Similarly, you should write your product description in bullets or numbers if long. This makes your text easy to be scanned and so easy to get ranked high in Amazon search engine results pages.  

4. Fully recorded buyers’ persona:

Your description should be based on the buyer’s persona. For example, if you’re a buyer, would you consider buying your own product after reading its description on Amazon store! You should have a clear-cut idea of what your buyer likes and what he/she doesn’t. You should completely know their specific details. Like what’s their gender, location, age group, and study level, etc. Now, let’s come to the final point.

5. A brief and keyword-based informative product title:

A product description ranks high in Amazon if its title is short, keyword-oriented, engaging, and informative for a reader. So, make sure your product title is alluring and descriptive for your prospective client. 

Concluding thoughts:

Well, that’s all what I wanted to share with you about how to write product description for Amazon. I hope you liked what I shared with you. And, if you want to learn how to be an impressive SEO writer, get my free ebooks on Amazon Kindle Unlimited. Plus, if you want to share anything with me, comment below to let me know. I’ll answer you as soon as possible. 

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