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How to Write a Review on Burger in 6 Easy Steps

How to Write a Review on Burger for Restaurants 

Love burgers like me! I know we remain thrilled by having awesome bites of our favourite burger. And yes, something happens to us every weekend. We feel a craving for a delightful experience that we get via a big, cheesy, yummy, spicy, and crunchy burger. Whether we have a zinger chicken burger in our hand or a brilliant crispy fish burger, we equally love these experiences as a foodie. Isn’t it! As writing is our passion, and being a food lover too, we love to write a review on a burger.

But the question is how can you write a review that greatly boosts the sales of your favourite burgers! I’ll show you how to write a review that could blow the minds of foodies. So, are you ready, pal! 

Number one step would be:

Do some research:

Do as much research as you can about your burger. Yes, research your burger, its brand, and any other info that could take your review on a high level for Google. Plus, frankly speaking, you should review only that burger that you actually ATE and was prepared by the restaurant or hotel you wanna promote. Yup, that’s right, buddy. You have to be pretty much honest to cut that bloody boiling competition for yourself. No more argument on that. Just DECIDED. And, if you’re a student, you could review a burger that you personally made or was made by your friend. 

By the way, congrats if you’re reviewing your friend’s burger. And best of luck for your life if that friend’s your girlfriend. You know what I mean. Anyway, whether a student or new review writer, you might read my review writing ebook for free from Amazon Kindle Unlimited. This would help you master the art of review writing, writer. And, if that crispy burger has a fascinating history, do add this in your review. This would make your reader more demanding for your dish. Besides, you could also tell your reader why you chose that burger for your review. Plus, you might tell them a brief intro of the brand, which you’re marketing. 

Now, come to my second step for writing a splendid burger review. 

Begin your review with a hooking intro:

Yeah, you read that right. Write your first para in such a way that you yourself would love to read your content then. Exactly. If you can’t enjoy your content, how can others! Like, I love to write content. But I also enjoy writing every single word on my page. That makes me a competent writer. And, if you want to make your mark, you have to follow this. Begin your intro with a compelling line. For example, write something like: 

The season has become hilarious now. It’s pretty much hot for a more hot dish. And, I know you’re tight for one more thrilling experience. Then, what are you waiting for! Give yourself a thumbs up and enjoy ABC’s shockingly yummy beef burger in your nearest cafe. So XYZ (city), are you ready! 

Hmm, sounds like a compelling intro. Right! Always write in such a way that your reader desperately wants to read your next line. But your first line must be amazingly hooking for them to decide the next move in your favour. Plus, don’t forget to include in your intro the following Qs to increase your reader’s interest level for your review:

Q. 1 When was that burger cooked first? 

Q. 2 To what nationality is your dish native? 

Q. 3 Why is your dish worth a try? 

Q. 4 Is there any alluring history about the item? 

Q. 5 Why do you like that burger? 

To write a standard quality review, you should feel as if you’re the reader. If you could want to read further, your reader would definitely too. Plus, do add an attractive thesis statement in your intro’s end to upgrade the reader’s attention level. 

Compare multiple burgers:

Hmm, sometimes this is more convincing for your reader that you compare several burgers with one another. Why? This gives your reader the chance as to why they should choose your burger over other burgers. You should briefly tell them about all burgers and inform them why your choice matters. When you explain each burger, make sure you highlight the following points in your review: 


You should tell your reader what your burger feels like when they’d see it. Does the burger trigger their appetite or not! Does that burger feel exciting by its appearance! And, what does this dish feel like when it’s touched by its buyer! Does this feel yummy, crispy, and attractive! All of these Qs are such that you have to answer in your review. 


Then, you have to explain what the taste is of your burger. Does the burger taste super tasty, crispy, and spicy or not! This item has enough amount of meat or not! Has chicken been used or is this fish or mutton! Plus, do describe all ingredients with full grace and fun. The part of taste is the most exciting point for a review reader. Like if you produce that part precisely, you made a nice shot. Or, you caught the bull’s eye. So, name all the spices and flavours to entice your reader. For example, tell them in an amusing way about the taste of ketchup, salad, veggies, and other items to make your burger feel purchasable. 


Besides, you should tell your reader about the shape of your burger. Tell them how well the burger was cooked when you bought it. Also, tell them about the look of its buns, meat, salad, green veggies, and other stuff to make your burger review splendid. 

Employ colourful adjectives:

Do you know what are you expected as a review writer? You are expected to write readable and alluring content like every other writer. So, properly put your focus on your content structure and content vocabulary. Ponder on those adjectives, which describe your burger. You have to ensure that you use some compulsory words in your article. For instance, do use your adjectives in your review like tasty, juicy, and splendid. In other words, you have to use such words that provide your reader with the feelings that they’d get while eating your burger. You should check whether you’re employing suitable adjectives or not. Don’t overdo this process so that you could avoid overly long sentences. Most probably, you need to add only 2-3 adjectives in one sentence. Logically connect all the sentences. And whenever you need, make smooth transitions. Probably, you have to add the table of ingredients and cooking process for your burger if it’s a new type in the burgers’ market. 

Add pros and cons:

Then, you should add some pros and cons in your burger review to make it more credible. So, do add this section to make yourself a credible writer online. You might add this section in the form of paras or tables. As an example, you could tell your reader that your burger isn’t harmful for their health as a whole. And, no objectionable material has been added in your dish to make the burger tastier or more attractive. When you compare your burger with other burgers, do let your reader know the pros of cons of other burgers too. Why? To make them understand why your choice is the best one for them. 

Add a notable conclusion:

In the end, you should restate your thesis statement and briefly tell the value of your burger review. Then, insert a call to action (CTA) for your reader if you’re writing for your website. Also, ask your reader what their ideas are about your piece. You might also provide them with some info regarding your future piece. For instance, my upcoming post will be about XYZ burger review. 

Final thoughts:

So, that’s all what I wanted to share regarding how to write a review on burger. That’s all for today. If you want to share anything with me, leave your comment here. I’ll be happy to reply you. We’ll meet again in my next post. Until that time, stay active to get more updates.              

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